Thursday, April 9, 2015

APU Nordic Ski Center's Annual Celebration and Auction

It's that time of year again! APU Nordic Center's Annual Celebration and Auction is Friday, May 8th! Here's the information about the event.
As I did for the previous 2 auctions, I will update my blog, and artist facebook page with the progress of the drawing.
Here is one of the quick sketches I did for my drawing.
In case you missed them, here are photos of the other drawings (colored pencil and ink) I made for the 2013 and 2014 auctions.

I'm sure I've mentioned this before on my blog, I do not have a very good camera. So, the colors in the pictures are not absolutely accurate, either is the focus.

May 2014

May 2013

As always, thank you for checking my blog.

This is one of my favorite projects, skiing and art, what's not to love!